Self Esteem Activities for Kids

self esteem activities

Welcome to this section of the website where I will be sharing with you various self esteem activities for kids.

Whether you are a parent or an educator that works with children, you can use these activities to help the children in your life develop a healthy self esteem. Some of the activities and lessons will also come with self esteem worksheets(link) which you can download and workthrough together with your kids.

As a father of two myself (at the time of writing this my eldest is 8 and the younger one is 6) I am conscious of the importance of building self esteem in children. We live in an extremely complex world that comes with many challenges and our children have to somehow navigate and survive in it. With the right tools, we can help them do just that.

Issues such as cyber bullying, depression, self-harm and even suicide are becoming common among children. While doing some research recently, I discovered that the youngest person to have committed suicide was a 6 year old! (Source) As a father of a 6 year old that is frightening and although that is somewhat of an extreme, it does show that these are no longer just adult issues.

One of my main goals is to raise my girls to have a healthy and wholesome self esteem so that they can confidently navigate life with all of its challenges. I want them to grow up with the belief and knowledge that they are loved, beautiful, full of talent and potential, and have the ability to achieve whatever they set their mind to.

I also want them to be well equipped to deal with difficult situations, to be strong when faced with rejection, and persevere in spite of failure. One of the major things I’ve observed is that a lot of children have been raised in a way that they alway get what they want, and when they are faced with a situation where things don't go their way, they don't know how to cope.

When we help our kids develop a strong and healthy self esteem, they will thrive and excel regardless of what life throws at them. These self esteem activities for kids can aid you in building the character and confidence of the children in your life, be it your own children or the ones under your care or tutelage

I practice these self esteem activities for kids with my own children, in fact, some of them were developed with the help of my girls and my heart is always filled with joy when their teachers at school report back to us on how well they are doing, how well behaved and confident they are, how they are a joy to teach and be around, and the positive influence they have with their peers, that makes me and their mother so proud.

So feel free to try them with your kids and the children you work with and do let me know what kind of impact they have.

I recently discovered a course which helps you become certified as a self esteem coach for children. I am currently taking this course myself and if it sounds like something you might be interested in then you can check it out using this link

Try These Self Esteem Activities for Kids

The Special Greeting - A great activity for building self esteem and rapport with your children and students

Self Esteem Word Search - Have fun creating and playing your own self esteem word search game

Self Esteem Worksheets for Kids - Great exercises and worksheets for building kids self esteem

My Special Gifts Worksheet - Excellent Lesson and worksheet to help kids identify their unique gifts and talents

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